VoyageLA – Meet Joey Feldman in Cathay
Today we’d like to introduce you to Joey Feldman.
Joey, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I started tracing from the book “son of origins of marvel comics” that my father bought me when I was 8 yrs. old. I then became obsessed with drawing and doodling. All through Jr. and Sr. high school I drew all over my notebooks. I was terrible in school. Failed almost everything including art. Just had no interest in learning what so ever. I hated it. I then got into drugs and started working at tower records in Philadelphia doing in store design and displays. It was there my boss said that my work reminded him of illustrator Ralph Steadman. Once I saw Ralphs work I was obsessed, there was no internet so I had to hunt his stuff down at used bookstores. Then in 2000 I flew to Colorado and met Ralph. To say that was inspiring is an understatement. I have had contact a friendship with him since then. I just saw him at his retrospective in DC. I became a “professional” illustrator when the OJ Simpson verdict was announced. I did my first published piece and haven’t stopped working since then. I’ve worked on editorial illustrations, ad campaigns, etc. today I work on band print/posters, book covers and a soon to be published children’s book. I sell prints of my art through bottleneck gallery in NY and original and printed pieces through Gabba gallery here in LA.
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